
a quotes journal

Ever seeking "le mot bon," I journal quotes from books I read. Fastidious about the gift of an author to create the pleasant phrase, I note favorable nuances,  whether they be astute linguistics, poetic verbiage, or cultural details that are worth the keeping. My red spiral-bound journal (red to find it easily) is source and comfort, reassuring me that the language of our modern day is yet abundantly favorable. There are talented artist/editor/ agents out there luring me in, but occasionally even after doing my bit of research, the author herself disappoints.  ahhh...the freedom found at last to allow myself the mere skim. Not a frequent art, but a just tool in my arsenal of managing so-many-books-not-enough-time. It speaks for not judging a book by its cover. I propose to keep a running chatter of who and what I am in the process of reading, or perhaps skimming. 

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