
my treeloft villa

The many particulars of cashing out on a 4-BR home with wide porches and decks and yard to pare down to a 1-BR treeloft over what once was a garage, are, and should well be, tasks consuming my body, soul, and spirit, all at once. As I viewed the options surrounding the move, each belonging, each tangible item inhabiting our home, answered the question, "where do you go now?" The responding options reveal my life at this juncture, all avenues heading in dissimilar directions.

Are you being held for later use, for my someday dream? Well then, to storage. Are you used up and on the brink of perishing? to the bin. Do you hold the promise of a second go-round, still useful and lovely? Then to the Goodwill lot. Are you the very thing I require to make this challenge attainable and productive? Then off to the treeloft villa!

And as circumstances would have it, a final possibility loomed as to whether clothes and technology, books and appendages, were comfort fodder for the reprieve of a 2-weekescape to the mountains in the midst of all the moving confusion.After ump-teen (I like that word!) relocations, I have this down to bare emotion and hard facts, almost. It will be an adventure to live in the treetops, absorbing a whole new view.

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