

I know a few people who have had the dream of finding quarters, one right after the other. It is a childhood dream for me that resurfaces occasionally and repeats itself, with a fun, game-like quality, very exciting. "oh, there's another one, and one right there, and..." I gather and store and expect to have them when I awake. This dream parallels for me finding sea-glass on the shores of the cold North Sea. My friend and I strolled through the fishing village art show, displayed in the front rooms of homes, as locals chatted, sipped wine and welcomed us to their annual fete. I noticed some small displays of colorful glass in windows and thought "how lovely and curious." As we approached the harbor seawall, sufficiently tired and well past lunch-time, we knew we had to plunge our feet in the freezing water of the North Sea! I mentioned that we might find sea-glass; as I stepped in, there glistened among the rocks and seaweed, my first-glimpsed piece, which I handed to my friend, a souvenir of sorts. Thrilled, we began to see more, and more- roughly tumbled pieces of white, green, amber, and blue glass, broken, then smoothed by the tumult of the sea. What felt like hours of stuffing my bulging pockets with treasure was actually a mere pocket of time, destined to be a favorite memory. The locals watched us enjoying their bounty, the thrill of first-timers evident in our laughter. harvesting sea-glass.  Yes, it's a day I long to repeat, even if only in my dreams.

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